Angels on Assignment?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Just have to share with you the joy I have in the answer to one of my prayers!
I've been feeling a bit discouraged that things weren't coming together for getting the remodeling and painting done in our new office location so that I could actually unpack my office and begin to use it. I've been working out of cardboard boxes and toting files and papers back and forth to home since I returned from India in March. It's getting old and it is also getting difficult to find my kitchen table. :)
Richard, one of our Native American friends and a skilled craftsman, had planned to help. Somehow we missed connections and then I heard that his illness kicked up again (a strange lung infection from down south) and we weren't in contact. I began to pray asking for the Lord to bring in the help needed for finishing the office.
I found myself wishing that Roger was here. He went to Florida last winter to help with fixing up homes and trailers damaged by last year's hurricanes. He wanted to volunteer his services especially to the poor and elderly. I didn't want to be selfish, but I knew if Roger were here that things would get done. He just has a way of stepping in to do what's needed and gathering in others to help. We've also really missed his help and encouragement with our State Street outreach. I began to pray, "Lord, if you don't need Roger in Florida right now, would you please send him back up here to us?"
Lo and behold....Roger arrived the next week! He had heard the silent call for Help through that "still small voice".
Habitat for Humanity donated a door in the frame and some 2x4's for the remodeling and now we're on our way with the makeover of our office.
Yesterday I left the office with things moved and scattered all over the place. Roger and John had finished installing the new door, patching the ceiling in my office and painting some walls and a file cabinet. We had done just enough to really make a mess with all the clutter.
Today I stayed home and worked at the computer, since the office is not yet connected to the internet. About 4:00pm I made a quick trip to the office to deliver some business cards for Roger (Lord, please bless him with the work he needs). I walked in the door to to find a wonderful surprise!
Roger, and probably John too, had been in to finish hanging a wallpaper border and they had picked up all the mess, cleaned up, arranged furniture, made my desk ready and left the office in beautiful shape, very inviting. Wow, what a wonderful surprise! Thank you, Lord, for your blessings!
These brothers in Jesus don't have much in this world, like Jesus, not even a place to lay their heads, but they sure are storing up treasure in heaven. My life is richer for knowing them.
Have you ever wondered if some of those "homeless bums" you've seen (or maybe not seen because you looked right past them) might just be angels in disguise? Just thinking....
Top: Roger laying carpet in the doorway where he installed our new door.
Bottom: John working in the midst of the clutter in our new offices.
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