Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Waking from a long winter's sleep

Dearest friends, it is beginning to feel like spring is coming, at least in my life. I see some signs, at least some days, that God is beginning to bring a bit of strength and the desire to break out from these 2 years of hibernation. I am perhaps the caterpillar who is beginning to eat it's way out of the cocoon and I will not know what I shall be until I am free of it and have spent a day in the sun.

I still do not have strength for those long overseas trips (as in 48 hours to Vja, India) but I am sensing the Lord's inspiration and moving in little ways blessing the small things I am doing now. I have learned to crochet with the Holy Spirit's leading with very individual differences in each winter cap He has inspired for over 50 friends and family. I have yet more hats to make, but I'm not sure if the cold weather will last long enough for each of my dear friends to appreciate wearing them this winter.

I am feeling deeply drawn to express thoughts, memories, things I've learned, things on my heart both in art and writing. My health is not consistent, so my times of doing these things are also not consistent. Some days fixing dinner is my accomplishment for the day, a few days not even that, but then comes a day that I am energized to paint and out comes a wild canary amongs the flowers.

Each week I look forward to a free writing class at our local library on how to write your memoirs. Just having fun learning to put down bits and pieces of my experiences and share them in a way that others can enjoy as well. Perhaps I'll share a few with you sometime soon.

My great thanks to all of you who have prayed for me, encouraged me, come and helped me, taken me out for coffee or just plain put up with me in my grouchy moods.

Special thanks to Laura Jacobson who has carried on the daily work of Full Circle Ministries Intl. staying on top of the needs of the orphans, overcoming flash flood damage to the orphan's home with Pastor Sam near the Bay of Bengal, sometimes stressing over whether we would have enough to feed and keep them (so that I didn't have to), handling the paperwork and bookkeeping and banking and all with added responsibilities in her own family. By her labors, God's work through FCMI continues. The picture here is Laura with our youngest orphan.

I look out the window and see snow blowing from todays fresh snowstorm. The days of outreach ministry in the cold on State Street seem very far away at the moment, almost as far away as those trips to India where the Lord opened up a whole new world to me. I'm learning to trust and rest, rather than to fight my limitations. But I wonder where the fire in my heart for the lost and "the least of these" can continue to burn. The embers seem to be dying. It is hard to fan the flames when I can not walk in the heat of them. There has grown a wall thicker by the week between me and hurting souls for whom I have wept and worked. It separates me from the pain of their situations. Too hard to feel it and do nothing.

I do not know where God will lead or whether Full Circle will continue (with or without me). Perhaps we will continue but with some different local outreaches including art with the homeless, or perhaps something less strenuous than keeping a Day Center for the homeless, perhaps coffee shop outreaches as my health permits, perhaps some writing. I also feel a tug on my heart to encourage Christians to become more involved in caring for creation.

I do believe God has begun a good work that He will continue. The orphans and poor children in India will not be deserted. I so miss my dear friends and family in Christ there. It is my hope and prayer that God enables me to return, but I do not claim to know His plans at this time.

I have very good news to report concerning Roger and Richard who were the foundational volunteers for our Day Center at Monroe St. and then at God's House on Jennifer St. Roger completed his program at Mt. Zion House in 2007 and has remained alcohol free. He supports himself doing handyman work and has a small apartment on State Street where he reaches out to help his neighbors find the Lord. He recently had throat surgery which went well and showed no signs of cancer. He has also quit smoking and is learning to speak again as his voice recovers from the surgery. We just recently celebrated his birthday and thanked the Lord again for Roger and the blessing he is in our lives.

Richard has been staying up north on his home lands caring for his two aging parents, keeping bears out of their yard and filling the freezer with venison and fish. Please keep him in prayer as the lung infection he caught working in the south has flaired up again and is getting progressively worse. He has been such a blessing in the church on the reservation there and is sparking some revival among the Christians up at Lac du Flambeau. In addition, the Lord has given him inspiration to create beautiful hand carved peace pipes, one of which he has designated for sale to support the orphans in India.

We look forward to seeing what God has ahead for us and what He will enable to do as we work together across denominational lines to accomplish the things on God's heart. Please be listening to Him and have courage to step out to do whatever He sets before you. Pray that we will do the same.

I hope to write more soon to update you on our orphans and preschools and whatever else God gives.

My love to you all,

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