Come Pray with us tonight!

1103 Jenifer St., Madison, WI 53703
Entrance on the front left side
Just in case you missed the invitation on the bottom of the last update, I'm inviting all of you who are local to come and join us for fellowship, prayer and worship tonight at God's House (FCMI's home). Of course those of you at a distance are welcome, but don't worry about the "shoulds" of coming -- no pressure.
Come join with us tonight
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Potluck 6:00 pm
Come without food if it's not convenient - we'll have plenty
7:00 or 7:30 pm worship & prayer
Come when you can, leave whenever you need to.
Tonight Al and Joyce Anderson from Beloit will be leading our worship time! We're definitely in for a God's House (maybe even His favorite house) experience.
Next Week: Doug and Julie Anderson from Albany will lead worship!
Worship here each Saturday night with a growing circle of brothers and sisters from several churches as we come together to seek God and glorify Him, enjoy His presence and fellowship as we share a pot luck dinner at 6:00pm with worship following.
Informal worship (dress comfortable) starts about 7:00 or 7:30 and ends whenever you need to leave.
Love from all of us,
Sherry's cell ph. 608-577-3264
Directions to God's House - FCMI's home

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