Follow the directions !
Pass or Fail?
Did you ever have one of those tests where the instructions tell you to read the entire test before you begin? Yeah, one of those trick tests just to see if you'll follow directions --- because at the end of the test it reads: disregard all previous questions, put your name and date at the top of the page and bring it to the front desk. If you began answering the questions you failed. A winning paper was one with no work on it, just name and date and that's all. Piece of cake.
Well, I feel like I just got caught not following the directions on one of those tests.
I have been busy getting the office ready with much help from Roger who returned to Madison in answer to prayer! I have been preparing for our trip to India in October, helping on the Impact World Tour Steering Committee, participating in an internship program with the Madison House of Prayer, reaching out to the homeless at Peace Park on Tuesday evenings, serving as payee for one gentleman on disability who cannot handle his own money, practicing for and serving on worship teams and still waiting on the Lord for direction.
A bit discouraged that I was not hearing more specifics from the Lord I asked Him if there was anything that stood in the way of my hearing, if I was disobedient in anything. He promptly reminded me, I told you to rest.
But, but, can we be ready to go to India in October if I just rest until September? We need to have 250 prayer supporters, funds for flights, food and transportation in India, projects and programs while there ($2,500 x 4 or 5 people), arrangements to be made with 4-5 different pastors in different cities and that doesn't include the local ministry work here not yet completed. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it --- which is probably why I really need to REST and let God do the work without me for now.
The Lord had told me to rest for 6 months. My husband and others thought six months was too long, so I questioned whether I was hearing right. It is so easy to get sidetracked by others opinions, incuding my own. I must admit I was worried that the ministry could not continue, that it would fall apart, if I didn't get some things done and preparations made.
Now, with My Father's reprimand, I'm ready just to trust the Him with it. If it dies, it dies and that is His business. If it lives, it will live by His will and His doing.
So, tonight I will miss being on State Street with all of our homeless friends and the young YWAM missionaries, and my friends Laura, and Lynn, and Curtis and Harriet. We've been sharing Jesus love on Tuesday nights there for over five years now. It seems strange to stay home on a Tuesday evening. Perhaps I'll curl up on the couch with one of those books I've been wanting to read or maybe I'll just go for a walk. Luxuries I've not taken much time for these last 4 years.
To all of my State Street Circle buddies, please know that I miss you tonight.
Love in Jesus,